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Files for Running Snakemake on Sun Grid Engine

The files sge-submit.py, sge-status.py, cluster.yaml (or cluster.json) and config.yaml should be added to the folder ~/.config/snakemake/Profile_Name. The config.json file should be in the same folder as your Snakemake file and is used to add in commonly used paths to simplify the snakemake workflow.

These can then be called with time snakemake --profile Profile_Name -j 10 --scheduler greedy

The options for running jobs on the cluster are read and overwritten in the following order:

  1. Default options in QSUB_DEFAULTS in sge-submit.py.
  2. Default options (__default__) in the profile’s cluster.yaml or (cluster.json) file.
  3. Resources and threads (time, mem) for the rule in the Snakemake file.
  4. Rule specific options in the profile’s cluster.yaml or (cluster.json) file.
  5. Default and rule specific options in the cluster config pass with –cluster-config (deprecated since Snakemake 5.10).

The profile files can be found here these were forked to use cookiecutter.

Alternatively, (deprecated and more typing) you can run Snakemake on the cluster by creating a cluster.json or cluster.yaml file and passing each parameter set in that file to be parsed by Snakemake using the --cluster and --cluster-config flags.

time snakemake -j 10 --cluster-config cluster.json --scheduler greedy --cluster-status $PATH/sge-status.py --cluster "qsub -terse -N {cluster.name} -l {cluster.mem} -o {cluster.outfile} -e {cluster.errfile} -q {cluster.nodes} -pe {cluster.cpus}"

The number of jobs that are submitted at a time can be set in the config.yaml file with jobs: 100 or alternatively can be passed with -j 100. I like to use the -j # for trouble shooting and then will change the jobs: ## later when its all working.

The --cluster-status flag its used by Snakemake to determine if a job has finished successfully or failed. For this it is necessary that the submit command provided to –cluster returns the cluster job id (-terse does this). Then, the status command will be invoked with the job id. Snakemake expects it to return ‘success’ if the job was successfull, ‘failed’ if the job failed and ‘running’ if the job still runs.

I have kept running into the following error on Aspen (with a variety of different rules) so I would suggest addding --scheduler greedy to your snakemake lines as snakemake suggests.

Failed to solve the job scheduling problem with pulp. Please report a bug and use --scheduler greedy as a workaround:
Pulp: Error while trying to execute, use msg=True for more detailscbc

Known Errors

Sometimes sge-status.py does complain about a job id not being able to be found for example: error: job id #######. This happens when snakemake tries to resume a failed job, you will see something like this Resuming incomplete job 1358 with external jobid '9791634'. I have found this is usually caused by disconnection from your server unexpectedly. I have gotten rid of the error by deleteing the ~/.snakemake/incomplete folder that is found in the directory you are working out of.