Jill V Hagey, MS, PhD

🐄 💩 🧬 💻 🐍 + 🇷 = 📊

Currently, I am a Bioinformatician in the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I am the bioinformatic domestic lead for the Antimicrobial Resistance Labortory Network. My team writes software, like PHoeNIx, to detect Antibiotic Resistance in Hospitial Associated Infections.

I got my PhD at the University of California, Davis in the Animal Biology Graduate Group with a designated emphasis in Host-Microbe Interactions. I am passionate about making “big data” in biology comprehensible and pretty. This home page will link you to my github projects. This page is still under construction 👷, but no hard hat needed. I currently write most of my work in python and R. Drop me a line if you find an error or have questions!

Check out my tutorials page!

Email: jvhagey@gmail.com

GitHub  github Tweet @ Me  Research gate Google Scholar


  1. Rumen Sampling Methods Bias Bacterial Communities Observed github page and paper.
  2. Fecal Microbiome of Dairy Cattle github page and the paper.
  3. Projects studying passive immunity in dairy calves:
  4. Utility scripts I have written that I use for a varity of projects are found here.

Select Public Github Repositories I have Contributed To

Things I think are cool

Helpful Workflows

Stats Resources

Machine Learning

Bioinformatic Resources